
Podopi helps you distribute written content as audio and video on platforms like YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon. We are passionate about helping companies, bloggers and authors get their message out. With us you will reach audiences previously only accessible to media houses with big budgets.

We use clever technology to automate everything. Running a podcast with us means no extra work for you. You also need not invest in any expensive studio gear.

Major publishers like Forbes, The Atlantic and The Verge already offer their written content as audio. Now you can as well!


You can contact us regardless of inquery using this contact form.


We are a nimble, passionate and fully remote team here to build the leading platform for repurposing written content into video and audio.

  • Mickel

    Founder and CTO at Podopi. Mickel enjoys trail running, building things, trading on the stock market and producing music. He created his first website at age 13 and has since then built software and services that have been used by millions of people worldwide. Even though he himself does not consider himself to be particularly talented, he is one of those unicorns who master both design and code. He has worked professionally with both for almost 20 years.

  • Dan

    Co-founder and CMO at Podopi. Dan's passions include marketing, cinema, the stock market, and 'The Three Cs': cars, cats, and coffee. Dan has been in digital marketing for quite some time and cut his teeth on businesses of all sizes. He started his journey in 2005 with websites before adding more skills such as email, video, SEO, and PPC.